Do you guys remember the song by S Club 7, that goes "don't stop, never give up, hold your head high and reach the top, let the world see what you have got, bring all back to you!" If you were born anywhere from the 80s going back, then I have now successfully implanted this ridiculously catchy tune into your head for the next few hours... sorry, not sorry.
S club 7's song is rather spot on. Bring it all back to you. YES, and then some more YES.
When we centre and align ourselves with our divine truth / existence / worth - we find the abundance of bliss right inside of us, instead of the never-ending external search of unhappiness.
We are the source. We are the love. We are it guys. Bringing it ALL back to you, is where we find the magical pot of gold. Always, period.
It's funny, in a crap kinda way when you're not in the vibe of listening out to the universe's daily signs, serendipitous moments, lessons, truths - whatever you want to call them, you miss out on ALL the gems which are constantly being thrust our way.
And it wasn't until a weird blast from the past memory, that the Top of the Pops song replayed in my mind. But this time round, and now in my early 30s and all awakened 'n' shit, I came to see the simple beauty in this ever so easy song, and hey! these guys are spinning lyrical universal truths. I LURVE IT.
Ok, so you're cringing right now. But seriously, start paying attention to the energy swirling around you, weird crazy moments showing you lessons, warning signs, beautiful loving supporting signs and your whole life will become a non-stop marathon of beautiful moments..
Take Star Wars for instance, some people might only see it as a cult classic sci-fi movie, I see it as PREACH!!!!!. There's universal truths being spilled out all over the place. And I quote the blind warrior Chirrut from Rogue One; "I am one with the force, the force is with me". Can it get any clearer? I mean, come on.
As the great spiritual teachers have said; your external world is a reflection of your internal world. What you think, you become. See the beauty and the beauty will shine, left, right and centre, smacking nicely in your face. Aaaaand that's because?! ... We ARE the beauty. Correct!
So just as S Club 7's song flew into my head like a never-ending reverberation of a drill, getting stuck on repeat. I would like to do the same for you, by leaving the lyrics right here...
Don't stop, never give up Hold your head high and reach the top Let the world see what you have got Bring it all back to you
Hold on to what you try to be Your individuality When the world is on your shoulders Just smile and let it go
If people try to put you down Just walk on by don't turn around You only have to answer to yourself
Dream of falling in love Anything you've been thinking of When the world seems to get too tough Bring it all back to you
Try not to worry 'bout a thing