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Why we need to love ourselves more

You know those generic picture frame quotes that read, You complete me”, “I love you more” and “You make me alive” ...they trigger me.

A lot of us have been brought up to think that self-love and putting ourselves first is garish, narcissistic and selfish, but that's just B.S.

I'm here to tell you we need to flush those beliefs right down the toilet where they belong because loving yourself first and foremost is the number one game changer to living a happy, abundant life of awesomeness.

Just like on a plane when the air stewardess demonstrates to put your air mask on before helping others, this is exactly what we need to do in life, too.

The moment we put someone else in front of our own health, wealth and wellbeing we are creating a lack of self-worth.

We are subconsciously stating that an external person is more important than ourselves, and that simply cannot be true.

We have to start loving ourselves more. Trusting ourselves more, engaging with ourselves more, funnelling all that energy we drench in others back into ourselves more.

Like a petrol gauge we pump into others and splash out all our exquisite energy without even realising it we, ourselves need constant topping ups too.

If we knew as a collective that for true evolution, transformation and awakening we need to start loving ourselves first.

Let’s start to reconnect with ourselves. Take ourselves on the perfect date. Ask ourselves the question, “what do I want?”.

Start eliminating the expectations we put onto others to provide us with the right kind of love we need and require to be a fulfilled person. This expectation will always leave us feeling disappointed and hurt because no one can ever fulfil the love that we can give ourselves.

Be kind to yourself, be sincerely loving, like a parent’s love for their child. An unconditional, forgiving love.

And it looks like total acceptance. Acceptance of your past, present and future. Because without true acceptance of who you are, we create a block, a resistance to the What Is and love cannot flow there.

Whatever it is that floats your boat, I want you to start doing it. Start pouring all that nurturing love that we give to others, back into ourselves first and then it’s like an overflowing waterfall … it just flows.

And that’s where the magic happens.

All of a sudden, the act of giving truly is receiving. We become effortless with love because we are aligned with ourselves. Respecting ourselves and our cups are a continuous flow of love for ourselves and others. It’s beautiful.

I implore you to start loving yourself first and watch how the tables turn on how your energy boosts, your love for others grows and you inevitably become the abundance you always desired to be.

It all begins with you.

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